He is trying to project a more dignified, statesmanlike image in this election year. 他正试图在这个选举年中树立一种更加威严、更有政治家风范的形象。
"I'm not optimistic that will happen, not going into an election year," said Henes. 对于这种情况是否会发生,我并不乐观,至少在即将进入大选的这一年。
The White House is waging an all-out effort to ease election year fears about the economy. 白宫正在做出一切努力来平息人们在大选年对经济的担忧。
Analysts predict that the government will put pressure on creditors to rescue a deal with Micron or seek a new buyer, as liquidation is too risky to contemplate in an election year. 分析人士预测,政府将对债权人施加压力以拯救与美光公司的这笔交易,或者另辟蹊径,寻找别的买主,因为大选年进行清算风险太大,后果难以预料。
Sanders and other academic researchers who follow developments in politics and journalism will be studying further the impact of these new grassroots media as this election year unfolds. 桑德斯和其他研究新闻政治发展的学者将进一步研究这些新的草根媒体在今年这个竞选年中的表现。
It's easy to write off President Obama's announcement of his support for gay marriage as a political ploy during an election year. But don't believe the cynics, representatives from the news magazine told Politico in a statement about the article. 该杂志的代表在有关这篇文章的声明中告诉政客新闻网:在总统大选之年,把奥巴马总统表态支持同性恋写成是政治策略很容易,但不要相信这些愤世嫉俗的人们的言论。
Others say the president is pandering to Latino voters in an election year. 也有人说奥巴马此举是为了在大选年拉拢拉美裔选民。
In an election year, Pentagon budgets usually go up. 五角大楼预算通常会在选举年度出现增长。
But these will be highly controversial, particularly in an election year. 但这些建议将存在极大的争议,尤其是在一个选举年。
But in a presidential election year, it is harder for him to rein in Israel. 但在总统大选之年,他更难以限制以色列的行动。
Even as he was denouncing the Russians last week, they were buying American wheat under a newly renegotiated long-term grain agreement, and recently there was talk in the White House of a u.s.-soviet summit next year, an election year. 甚至就在上周,他正在谴责俄国人的时候,俄国人仍然根据一项新签订的长期谷物协定在购买美国小麦;而且白宫最近还盛传在明年大选年将进行一次美苏首脑会议。
These issues frame an important part of the economic debate in this election year. 这些问题在这个选举年框定了经济辩论的一个重要部分。
Now that the Iowa contest is over, the candidates move on to the first primary in this election year, which will be held in the state of New Hampshire next Tuesday. 艾奥华州的选举尘埃落定,竞选人都开始备战选举之年的首次党内初选,这次初选两党都定于下星期二在新罕普什尔州进行。
The US faces special pressures in an election year, but it holds the trump card. 美国在选举年面临特殊压力,但是它手里握着王牌。
Every election year Iowa gets lots of national attention because it is the first state to show which candidates it wants. 每次选举年,Iowa都会在全国引起注意,因为它是第一个有自己候选人的州。
American voters have their own virtues, though, and both Obamas should keep that in mind in this election year. 不过美国选民还是有他们自己的美德的,在大选年里奥巴马夫妇最好牢记这一点。
Political parties in the United States help to coordinate the campaigns of their members that mark election year. 美国的政党在重要的选举年协调他们的成员的选举活动。
It is an election year and the US economy is in peril of falling into recession or worse. 今年是大选年,同时美国经济又有可能陷入衰退、甚至更糟糕的境地。
Many refugee advocates fear that administration officials and members of Congress are delaying action because they do not want to be viewed as easing up on terrorism during an election year. 许多难民权力支持者担心官员和国会议员了拖延的,不愿意在大选年被看作是放松反恐措施。
Can Mr Obama resist repeating it in an election year? 在大选之年,奥巴马能抵挡住故伎重施的诱惑么?
Nothing focuses politicians'minds like an economic slowdown in an election year. 没有比在大选之年的经济萧条更让政治家们关心的了。
This is a US election year. 今年是美国总统大选年。
We just came through an election year in which Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Tina Fey and Katie Couric were lead players, not the supporting cast. 在刚刚过去的大选里面,希拉里·克林顿,萨拉·佩林,蒂娜·费以及凯蒂·库里克都成为了主力选手,而不像过去那样作为幕后人员。
For a risk-averse Beijing, it all makes for a volatile mix in an election year. 对于一个希望安定环境的北京政府,造成选举年的动荡不安。
This being a presidential election year, the resulting mix of control of the presidency and Congress will set the tone for policymaking for the next two-to-four years. 这年同时也是总统大选年,在总统与国会选举中均呈现两党得票接近的状况,这将定调接下来二到四年政策决策。
This news was very hard indeed for presidential hopefuls in an election year. 这个消息对于竞选年中希望当选总统的人确实是很严酷的。
Sadly, though, this seems unlikely to happen; least of all before an election year. 但遗憾的是,这种情况似乎不太可能出现;特别是在大选年之前。
Kevin Rudd, the prime minister, was accused of bowing to populist pressure in an election year. 总理陆克文被指责在大选之年向民众压力低头。
An election year is one in which all four members are evenly divisible by four. 选举年是年份的四位数字能被4整除的年。
But Google is a reminder that everyone has their snapping point, especially in a US election year. 但谷歌提醒了我们,每个人都有忍耐的极限,尤其是在美国的大选之年。